Are you converting your telephone and web enquiries into profits? How much does your business spend on advertising and marketing? As a business owner you know how much it costs in money, time and resources to entice new customers to call you. It could be a whole new website, endless search engine optimisation, professional networking fees which can easily add up to thousands of dollars per year, newspaper or magazine advertising... and the … [Read more...]
Your Receptionist is Your Best Marketing Tool
What is the best marketing tool for your business? Your receptionist of course! Do you want to keep your customers happy? Do you want to find more ways of getting customers to choose your business over your competitors? Then you need to utilise the best marketing tool you have - your receptionist! Your receptionist is the first person all potential clients will speak with and they set the tone for the business. If their manner is courteous, … [Read more...]
Do You Make These Costly Mistakes?
Media Release 24 May 2011 Is your business making costly mistakes on the phone? Despite Facebook, emails, texting and a whole range of other technologies, the telephone is an important contact point for your customers and it is still, for the majority of people, the preferred method of contact. Keeping your customers happy is a key concern for most businesses. It only takes three seconds for a caller to gain an impression and one dissatisfied … [Read more...]
Edge Talent Fills Interstate Gap
Edge has been on the road over the past 6 months filling a gap for expert trainers desperately needed in Darwin, Alice Springs, Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney. As part of the role out of large national VOIP telephone systems, Ava Lucanus has been delivering training to Australian Taxation Office and Orica/Dulux in the functionality of their new VOIP telephones. … [Read more...]
Jumping Through Hoops
I recently purchased a dress. The dress was a lovely vibrant red, my favourite colour. I wore it on Christmas Day and felt festive and fabulous in my new red dress. At the end of a wonderful day with family I took off the dress to and was horrified to see that my underwear and skin were stained with toxic red dye. Turns out the dress contained residual dye, which is a common trick of manufacturers to make a garment look more vibrant in … [Read more...]