We gained some great feedback from the article called ‘Staff on the front line of Marketing‘ by our own Ava Lucanus. The article also featured in the Western Australia Business News on the 2nd of August and can be found here.
From the comments received, one reply in particular caught our eye and we thought we would share it with you all. An article by James Bull entitled ‘An open letter to the management of Event Cinemas’ is a great example of not just social media shooting itself in the foot, but a whole business having a severe lack of communication with their customers. As discussed in Ava’s previous article, Staff on the front line are a businesses biggest selling point. So before you concentrate on joining the ‘social bandwagon’ take a look at your front line and see if they are trained effectively for them to retain as well as win business.
We always appreciate feedback and comments from our followers so please do share any articles or news you feel may be of interest and send them to ava@edgecommunication.com.au