I was recently browsing the web, as I usually do, for some helpful tips or specific information to share with you all. Whilst browsing, an article caught my eye entitled ‘The customers is (not) always right?‘.
Written by an author called James Adonis from the Sunday Morning Herald, the article delves into how the customer is NOT always right and suggests that more research is needed to look into how negative customers can affect on you business.
Although I can agree that you can find some troublesome customers out there in this world, I do in fact still in stick to the cliche of ‘The customer is always right’. Its not just a cliche for any old reason right?
Throughout many of my seminars, I highly emphasise how the customer IS always right. Even the most unruly customers can be dealt with professionally and bring you a lot of good business as long as the correct training is provided to the customer service representative.
Related: Customer Service Training
The reason for bringing this article to your forefront is because I wanted to find out all of your opinions on the matter. Do you think the customer IS or IS NOT always right? Please feel free to comment below on the webpage, or on our facebook page here.
To see the full article on the Sydney Morning Herald, please click here