The 5 Words That Will Keep Your Customers Coming Back.
Research has revealed that 86% of customers will pay more for a better experience! Not only that, they’ll be sure to come back. But here’s the thing that’s surprising; only 26% of companies have a well-developed strategy in place for improving their customer experience.
So what exactly is this buzz phrase ‘customer experience’ that we hear so much about, and why is it so important for your business success?
The ‘customer experience’ is the sum of all the experiences that a customer has with you, over the duration of their relationship with you. These experiences include every single touch point your customer has with you; from your marketing to get them in the door, the user friendliness of your website to navigate and find information, how the telephone is answered and whether their phone calls are returned in a timely manner, their experience with your sales people, admin people, dispatch people, accounts people as well after sales experiences. It includes their social media experience; how quickly they receive an acceptable response and resolution to their feedback or complaint. The reason I call it an acceptable response is that too many companies that I’ve communicated with on social media will offer a standard scripted response with no substance or follow up, only serving to rub salt in the wound.
If your customer has a negative experience at any of your touch points, they could decide to vote with their feet and go elsewhere.
Your organization may be skilled in enticing customers with your brand, marketing and advertising, but what happens when they then have a bad experience trying to find information on your website, or they perceive a negative impression when the telephone is answered? You’ll rarely get a second chance.
So how can you ensure that your customers have good experiences at each and every touch point?
One of the key customer experience factors is in the effectiveness of your communication. If you communicate with your customers in a way that makes them feel that you care about them and their business, they are much more likely to come back.
One of the many ways you can portray an image that you care about your customers is in the use of these 5 simple, yet very powerful words – “How can I help you?” Then at the end of the call, these 9 simple, yet equally powerful words will leave a lasting positive impression in their mind – “Is there anything else I can do for you?”
These words should form part of the everyday vocabulary of each and every employee, and part of your marketing strategy. It changes the mindset from ‘what I have to do to get my job done’ to ‘what can I do to satisfy this customer’. And this mindset, when learned, practiced and repeated, can change the culture of an entire organization.
Imagine how it could change yours!
Enhance your ability to handle increasing customer demands with our Customer Service Training programs.
To find out more about how Ava can assist your organisation with your customer experience standards, click here to book an obligation free 30 minute coffee meeting over the phone or in person.