Have you ever considered how much effort your customers have to go through to do business with you?
Everyday, millions of customers and prospective customers are putting in the effort to contact businesses. Whether it is to share or gain information, or simply to purchase and product or service, they have contacted your business. This contact usually arises from the marketing and advertising efforts from the businesses, as you would expect from the millions of dollars spent each year.
So with all this money being spent, it would be silly to let it go to waste right?
Read our latest article ‘Are your customers jumping through hoops?‘ by Ava Lucanus which examines how many businesses are forcing their customers to ‘jump through hoops’ to do business with them. Within the article Ava evaluates some alarming figures from the Harvard Business Review study (2010) ‘Stop trying to delight your customers’ and also offers her top 4 tips on how to make sure your customers experience is a positive one every time.
To read the full article, please click here.